“Clash of the Titans” and its sequel “Wrath of the Titans” have (in my humble opinion) provided the general public with a very confused and misleading view of the role of the Titans in Greek mythology. Some might say the films do a disservice to one of the greatest wars ever conjured up; a family war which ravaged on for ten brutal years and led to seismic shifts in the world order. Readers of this blog may recall from “Keeping up with the Greek Deities” that we left it at the point at which Cronus, the leader of the Titans, was poisoned by his son, Zeus, and forced to throw up the rest of his children (I’ll let you read the blog to discover how and why they found themselves inside of Cronus in the first place) and that this sparked the war. Before we carry on, let’s meet the key players… Fighting for the Titans on Mount Othrys we have: • Cronus – first generation Titan and ruler of the Titans. Slightly crazy with unusual eating habits. • Coeus – brother to Cr...
From Ares to Zeus; Plato's Lost Dialogue is a blog providing a light hearted look at the Greek myths as well as updates on the aspiring author D.M. White's upcoming novel, Tales of Atlantis: The Dawning of a New Age, which is an epic tale of Plato's Atlantis set in modern times. Intrigued? You should be... The author can be found tweeting @TheLostDialogue. Any comments, feedback and requests are welcome. Email: platolostdialogue@gmail.com #TalesofAtlantis