Location is a key part of any story. Just think about Harry Potter; by the time you’ve finished the first book you feel like you’ve had a guided tour around Hogwarts and slept in the Gryffindor common room (or your House of choice). If Hogwarts was set in a modern building in the centre of a bustling city the whole story would take on a completely different feel (and perhaps wouldn’t be the phenomenon it is). Tales of Atlantis: The Dawning of a New Age is set on (spoiler alert) Atlantis. When it comes to thinking about where Atlantis should be located in the story (bearing in mind that it is set in modern times on Earth) it creates a number of problems. Atlantis has to feel real - like Hogwarts or Narnia – and that means staying true to Plato’s original description (otherwise it’s just another fantasy world masquerading as the famous lost island). But where on Earth do you stick it? The concept of Atlantis was first introduced in...
From Ares to Zeus; Plato's Lost Dialogue is a blog providing a light hearted look at the Greek myths as well as updates on the aspiring author D.M. White's upcoming novel, Tales of Atlantis: The Dawning of a New Age, which is an epic tale of Plato's Atlantis set in modern times. Intrigued? You should be... The author can be found tweeting @TheLostDialogue. Any comments, feedback and requests are welcome. Email: platolostdialogue@gmail.com #TalesofAtlantis